




The Japanese Fireside Group serves Japanese members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who live in Southern California. Everyone is invited to come and participate, but we especially welcome native Japanese speakers.

The Japanese Fireside Group meetings are held once each quarter. The meetings are normally held on a Sunday and usually begin at 5:00 pm. The meetings are conducted in Japanese. There is a short 30 to 45 minute fireside program, with one or two speakers and a musical number.

Following the fireside program, there is a potluck dinner. Everyone can bring something to share, and there is always lots of good food. The potluck dinner is also a time to talk with old friends and to meet new friends.

The meetings are typically finished by 8:00 pm.

(Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are temporarily unable to meet together for our Fireside meetings.  Instead of an in-person meeting, we are providing a quarterly Japanese Fireside video featuring speakers from both the United States and from Japan.  We hope to be able to meet together in person again soon.)

For more information, please contact us at: JapaneseFireside.Group@gmail.com